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HTML-Optimizer 10.4.2
[ · Descarca de pe sursa () ] 2010-10-05, 4:09 PM

HTML-Optimizer speeds up your site by optimizing both HTML and script code of your web pages and optimizing your JPEG/PNG images. It helps you keep organized by creating a duplicate site folder for the optimized files.

An added benefit is that it leaves your original files untouched. You should use your original web folder for editing and use the duplicate web folder for uploading. HTML-Optimizer features Smart Handling, supports XML and can handle web pages with any text encoding. HTML-Optimizer offers many options to customize its operation to your special needs. Drag and drop is supported.

HTML-Optimizer is recommended if you manage only one web site and you do not need any extras besides optimizing.

Here are some key features of "HTML-Optimizer":

· When you start the application for the first time, a wizard appears to guide you through the configuration process. The most important thing is that you tell the application where your web folder is.
· All optimizers optimize both HTML and script code. The following script types are supported: JavaScript, Java, LassoScript, VBscript, PHP, ASP, JSP and CSS.
· The Smart Handling option enables you to automatically handle only the pages that you have edited. If you have worked on 25 pages during the day and then you optimize your entire web folder with Smart Handling on, you will see that only the changed pages are optimized (with Web Site Maestro even optimized and uploaded in one pass).
· You can exclude certain subfolders from being optimized.
· To keep your duplicate web folder synchronized with the original, the application's Extra menu has some commands to do this for you as part of a maintenance routine that you may perform every week or so.
· On the Preferences panel you can customize the optimization rules, and more. You could for instance select the option to encode email addresses against spam harvesters.
· A history log is available to show all your actions from the past.


· 30 days trial
· You can optimize only 70% of your total number of web files in one pass

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· PNGs with a useless mask are much better optimized.
· Changed the minimum JPEG Image Quality Index to 40%.
· The "PNG Compression Level" in Options is now a general setting instead of an advanced setting.




Categorie: Soft for WebMasters | Adaugat de: kopceak
Vizualizari: 1027 | Downloads: 475 | Raging: 0.0/0
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