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Alligator Flash Designer 8.0.16
[ · Descarca de pe sursa () ] 2010-10-05, 4:14 PM

Create interactive, vector-based animations for your Web site

Flash Designer greatly simplifies the process of creating interactive Flash animations for the Web sites. It allows to animate images, texts or shapes and add MP3 or WAV sound to the Flash movie.

Designers can use more than 130 predefined animation effects like Fade, Zoom, Rotate, Flips. Built-in browser provides Flash animation preview. Users can import existing GIF animations, SWF clips or JPEG images.

Novice Webmasters can export HTML code necessary to integrate Flash files with their Web page. Flash Designer exports SWF files, size optimized for faster display. Advanced users can use ActionScript to program mouse over or click events.

This version has to offer new roll-over buttons, unicode support, path animations, intro and outro sounds and sound volume control, new built-in gradients, tools for free-hand drawing and bitmap tracing.

Here are some key features of "Alligator Flash Designer":

· Animate images, shapes, texts and SWF clips
· Use more than 130 predefined animation effects like Fade, Zoom, Rotate
· Export SWF files and generate necessary HTML code
· Add WAV and MP3 sounds
· Use ActionScript to create interactive movies


· IBM PC or compatible, Pentium 350Mhz or faster
· 32MB RAM
· 4MB disk space
· 16-bit color display or higher


· Watermark on the output files
· Nag screen




Categorie: Soft for WebMasters | Adaugat de: kopceak
Vizualizari: 996 | Downloads: 445 | Raging: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 0
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