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HTML Color Codes

2010-08-13, 9:49 AM

HTML Color Codes


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""><head>

<title>HTML Color Codes</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="color_files/quackit0.css">
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<script style="" src="color_files/alternat.js"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

  var hue;
  var picker;
  //var gLogger;
  var dd1, dd2;
  var r, g, b;

  function init() {
  if (typeof(ygLogger) != "undefined")
  ddcolorposter.fillcolorbox("colorfield1", "colorbox1") //PREFILL "colorbox1" with hex value from "colorfield1"
  ddcolorposter.fillcolorbox("colorfield2", "colorbox2") //PREFILL "colorbox1" with hex value from "colorfield1"
  ddcolorposter.fillcolorbox("colorfield3", "colorbox3") //PREFILL "colorbox1" with hex value from "colorfield1"

  // Picker ---------------------------------------------------------

  function pickerInit() {
  hue = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getVertSlider("hueBg", "hueThumb", 0, 180);
  hue.onChange = function(newVal) { hueUpdate(newVal); };

  picker = YAHOO.widget.Slider.getSliderRegion("pickerDiv", "selector",
  0, 180, 0, 180);
  picker.onChange = function(newX, newY) { pickerUpdate(newX, newY); };


  dd1 = new YAHOO.util.DD("pickerPanel");
  dd1.endDrag = function(e) {
  // picker.thumb.resetConstraints();
  // hue.thumb.resetConstraints();


  function pickerUpdate(newX, newY) {

  function hueUpdate(newVal) {

  var h = (180 - hue.getValue()) / 180;
  if (h == 1) { h = 0; }

  var a = YAHOO.util.Color.hsv2rgb( h, 1, 1);

  document.getElementById("pickerDiv").style.backgroundColor =
  "rgb(" + a[0] + ", " + a[1] + ", " + a[2] + ")";


  function pickerSwatchUpdate() {
  var h = (180 - hue.getValue());
  if (h == 180) { h = 0; }
  document.getElementById("pickerhval").value = (h*2);

  h = h / 180;

  var s = picker.getXValue() / 180;
  document.getElementById("pickersval").value = Math.round(s * 100);

  var v = (180 - picker.getYValue()) / 180;
  document.getElementById("pickervval").value = Math.round(v * 100);

  var a = YAHOO.util.Color.hsv2rgb( h, s, v );

  document.getElementById("pickerSwatch").style.backgroundColor =
  "rgb(" + a[0] + ", " + a[1] + ", " + a[2] + ")";

  document.getElementById("pickerrval").value = a[0];
  document.getElementById("pickergval").value = a[1];
  document.getElementById("pickerbval").value = a[2];
  var hexvalue = document.getElementById("pickerhexval").value =
  YAHOO.util.Color.rgb2hex(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
  ddcolorposter.initialize(a[0], a[1], a[2], hexvalue)


<td style="vertical-align: top;">

  <div id="pickerPanel" class="dragPanel">

  <h4 id="pickerHandle"> </h4>
  <div style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" id="pickerDiv">
  <img id="pickerbg" src="" alt="">

  <div style="left: 0px; top: 0px;" id="selector"><img src=""></div>

  <div id="hueBg">
  <div style="left: 0px; top: 0px;" id="hueThumb"><img src=""></div>

  <div id="pickervaldiv">
  <form name="pickerform" onsubmit="return pickerUpdate()">

  R <input name="pickerrval" id="pickerrval" value="0" size="3" maxlength="3" type="text">
  H <input name="pickerhval" id="pickerhval" value="0" size="3" maxlength="3" type="text">
  G <input name="pickergval" id="pickergval" value="0" size="3" maxlength="3" type="text">

  S <input name="pickergsal" id="pickersval" value="0" size="3" maxlength="3" type="text">
  B <input name="pickerbval" id="pickerbval" value="0" size="3" maxlength="3" type="text">

  V <input name="pickervval" id="pickervval" value="0" size="3" maxlength="3" type="text">
  # <input name="pickerhexval" id="pickerhexval" value="0" size="6" maxlength="6" style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px;" type="text">



  <div style="background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);" id="pickerSwatch"> </div>





.ColorRow {height:25px;}
.TextRow {height:25px;vertical-align:top;}
.TextCell {font-size:xx-small;}


<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
_uacct = "UA-269964-1";

<!-- END FOOTER -->

Categorie: HTML | Adaugat de: kopceak | Tags: HTML
Vizualizari: 1016 | Downloads: | Raging: 0.0/0
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