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Script ninsoare

2010-06-20, 7:45 PM

Ninsoare pe site !!!


var snowStorm = null;

function SnowStorm() {

  // ------------------

  var imagePath = ''; // relative path to snow images (including trailing slash)
  var flakesMax = 128;
  var flakesMaxActive = 64;
  var vMaxX = 8;
  var vMaxY = 4;
  var usePNG = true;
  var flakeBottom = null; // Integer for fixed bottom, 0 or null for "full-screen" snow effect
  var snowStick = true;
  var snowCollect = false;
  var targetElement = null; // element which snow will be appended to (document body if undefined)
  var followMouse = true;
  var flakeTypes = 6;
  var flakeWidth = 5;
  var flakeHeight = 5;

  // ------------------

  var zIndex = 0; // CSS stacking order applied to each snowflake
  var flakeLeftOffset = 0; // amount to subtract from edges of container
  var flakeRightOffset = 0; // amount to subtract from edges of container

  // --- End of user section ---

  var addEvent = function(o,evtName,evtHandler) {

  var removeEvent = function(o,evtName,evtHandler) {

  var classContains = function(o,cStr) {
  return (typeof(o.className)!='undefined'?o.className.indexOf(cStr)+1:false);

  var s = this;
  var storm = this;
  this.timers = [];
  this.flakes = [];
  this.disabled = false;
  this.terrain = []; = false;

  var isIE = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i);
  var isIE6 = navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 6/i);
  var isOldIE = (isIE && (isIE6 || navigator.userAgent.match(/msie 5/i)));
  var isWin9X = navigator.appVersion.match(/windows 98/i);
  var isiPhone = navigator.userAgent.match(/iphone/i);
  var isOpera = navigator.userAgent.match(/opera/i);
  if (isOpera) isIE = false; // Opera (which may be sneaky, pretending to be IE by default)
  var screenX = null;
  var screenX2 = null;
  var screenY = null;
  var scrollY = null;
  var vRndX = null;
  var vRndY = null;
  var windOffset = 1;
  var windMultiplier = 2;
  var pngSupported = (!isIE || (isIE && !isIE6 && !isOldIE)); // IE <7 doesn't do PNG nicely without crap filters
  var docFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  this.oControl = null; // toggle element
  if (flakeLeftOffset == null) flakeLeftOffset = 0;
  if (flakeRightOffset == null) flakeRightOffset = 0;

  function rnd(n,min) {
  if (isNaN(min)) min = 0;
  return (Math.random()*n)+min;

  this.randomizeWind = function() {
  vRndX = plusMinus(rnd(vMaxX,0.2));
  vRndY = rnd(vMaxY,0.2);
  if (this.flakes) {
  for (var i=0; i<this.flakes.length; i++) {
  if (this.flakes[i].active) this.flakes[i].setVelocities();

  function plusMinus(n) {
  return (parseInt(rnd(2))==1?n*-1:n);

  this.scrollHandler = function() {
  // "attach" snowflakes to bottom of window if no absolute bottom value was given
  scrollY = (flakeBottom?0:parseInt(window.scrollY||document.documentElement.scrollTop||document.body.scrollTop));
  if (isNaN(scrollY)) scrollY = 0; // Netscape 6 scroll fix
  if (!flakeBottom && s.flakes) {
  for (var i=0; i<s.flakes.length; i++) {
  if (s.flakes[i].active == 0) s.flakes[i].stick();

  this.resizeHandler = function() {
  if (window.innerWidth || window.innerHeight) {
  screenX = window.innerWidth-(!isIE?16:2)-flakeRightOffset;
  screenY = (flakeBottom?flakeBottom:window.innerHeight);
  } else {
  screenX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth||document.body.scrollWidth)-(!isIE?8:0)-flakeRightOffset;
  screenY = flakeBottom?flakeBottom:(document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight||document.body.scrollHeight);
  screenX2 = parseInt(screenX/2);

  this.resizeHandlerAlt = function() {
  screenX = targetElement.offsetLeft+targetElement.offsetWidth-flakeRightOffset;
  screenY = flakeBottom?flakeBottom:targetElement.offsetTop+targetElement.offsetHeight;
  screenX2 = parseInt(screenX/2);

  this.freeze = function() {
  // pause animation
  if (!s.disabled) {
  s.disabled = 1;
  } else {
  return false;
  for (var i=0; i<s.timers.length; i++) {

  this.resume = function() {
  if (s.disabled) {
  s.disabled = 0;
  } else {
  return false;

  this.toggleSnow = function() {
  if (!s.flakes.length) {
  // first run
  } else { = !;
  if ( {;
  } else {

  this.setControlActive = function(bActive) {
  // Y.D[(bActive?'addClass':'removeClass')](s.oControl,'active');

  this.stop = function() {
  for (var i=this.flakes.length; i--;) {
  this.flakes[i] = 'none';
  if (!isIE) {
  // removeEventHandler(window,'resize',this.resizeHandler,false);
  } = function() {
  for (var i=this.flakes.length; i--;) {
  this.flakes[i] = 'block';

  this.SnowFlake = function(parent,type,x,y) {
  var s = this;
  var storm = parent;
  this.type = type;
  this.x = x||parseInt(rnd(screenX-20));
  this.y = (!isNaN(y)?y:-rnd(screenY)-12);
  this.vX = null;
  this.vY = null;
  this.vAmpTypes = [2.0,1.0,1.25,1.0,1.5,1.75]; // "amplification" for vX/vY (based on flake size/type)
  this.vAmp = this.vAmpTypes[this.type]; = 1;
  this.o = document.createElement('img'); = 'absolute'; = flakeWidth+'px'; = flakeHeight+'px'; = '1px'; // so IE keeps proper size = zIndex;
  this.o.src = imagePath+this.type+(pngSupported && usePNG?'.png':'.gif');

  this.refresh = function() { = s.x+'px'; = s.y+'px';

  this.stick = function() {
  if (isIE6 || isiPhone || (targetElement != document.documentElement && targetElement != document.body)) { = (screenY+scrollY-flakeHeight-storm.terrain[Math.floor(s.x)])+'px';
  } else { = 'none'; = 'auto'; = '0px'; = 'fixed'; = 'block';

  this.vCheck = function() {
  if (s.vX>=0 && s.vX<0.2) {
  s.vX = 0.2;
  } else if (s.vX<0 && s.vX>-0.2) {
  s.vX = -0.2;
  if (s.vY>=0 && s.vY<0.2) {
  s.vY = 0.2;

  this.move = function() {
  s.x += s.vX*windOffset;
  s.y += (s.vY*s.vAmp);
  if (s.vX && screenX-s.x<flakeWidth+(s.vX*windOffset)) { // X-axis scroll check
  s.x = 0;
  } else if ((s.vX<0 || windOffset<0)&& s.x-flakeLeftOffset<0-flakeWidth) {
  s.x = screenX-flakeWidth; // flakeWidth;
  var yDiff = screenY+scrollY-s.y-storm.terrain[Math.floor(s.x)];
  if (yDiff<flakeHeight) { = 0;
  if (snowCollect && snowStick) {
  var height = [0.75,1.5,0.75];
  for (var i=0; i<2; i++) {
  storm.terrain[Math.floor(s.x)+i+2] += height[i];
  } = (s.x/screenX*100)+'%'; // set "relative" left (change with resize)
  if (!flakeBottom) {
  if (snowStick) {
  } else {

  this.animate = function() {
  // main animation loop
  // move, check status, die etc.

  this.setVelocities = function() {
  s.vX = vRndX+rnd(vMaxX*0.12,0.1);
  s.vY = vRndY+rnd(vMaxY*0.12,0.1);

  this.recycle = function() { = 'none'; = 'absolute'; = 'auto';
  s.x = parseInt(rnd(screenX-flakeWidth-20));
  s.y = parseInt(rnd(screenY)*-1)-flakeHeight; = s.x+'px'; = s.y+'px'; = 'block'; = 1;

  this.recycle(); // set up x/y coords etc.


  this.snow = function() {
  var active = 0;
  var used = 0;
  var waiting = 0;
  for (var i=s.flakes.length; i--;) {
  if (s.flakes[i].active == 1) {
  } else if (s.flakes[i].active == 0) {
  } else {
  if (snowCollect && !waiting) { // !active && !waiting
  // create another batch of snow
  if (active<flakesMaxActive) {
  with (s.flakes[parseInt(rnd(s.flakes.length))]) {
  if (!snowCollect && active == 0) {
  } else if (active == -1) {
  active = 1;

  this.mouseMove = function(e) {
  if (!followMouse) return true;
  var x = parseInt(e.clientX);
  if (x<screenX2) {
  windOffset = -windMultiplier+(x/screenX2*windMultiplier);
  } else {
  x -= screenX2;
  windOffset = (x/screenX2)*windMultiplier;

  this.createSnow = function(limit,allowInactive) {
  for (var i=0; i<limit; i++) {
  s.flakes[s.flakes.length] = new s.SnowFlake(s,parseInt(rnd(flakeTypes)));
  if (allowInactive || i>flakesMaxActive) s.flakes[s.flakes.length-1].active = -1;

  this.timerInit = function() {
  s.timers = (!isWin9X?[setInterval(s.snow,20)]:[setInterval(s.snow,75),setInterval(s.snow,25)]);

  this.init = function() {
  for (var i=0; i<2048; i++) {
  s.terrain[i] = 0;
  s.createSnow(snowCollect?flakesMaxActive:flakesMaxActive*2); // create initial batch
  if (!isIE) {
  if (followMouse) {

  var didInit = false;

  this.start = function(bFromOnLoad) {
  if (!didInit) {
  didInit = true;
  } else if (bFromOnLoad) {
  // already loaded and running
  return true;
  if (typeof targetElement == 'string') {
  targetElement = document.getElementById(targetElement);
  if (!targetElement) throw new Error('Snowstorm: Unable to get targetElement');
  if (!targetElement) {
  targetElement = (!isIE?(document.documentElement?document.documentElement:document.body):document.body);
  if (targetElement != document.documentElement && targetElement != document.body) s.resizeHandler = s.resizeHandlerAlt; // re-map handler to get element instead of screen dimensions
  s.resizeHandler(); // get bounding box elements
  if (screenX && screenY && !s.disabled) {
  s.init(); = true;

  if (document.addEventListener) {
  // safari 3.0.4 doesn't do DOMContentLoaded, maybe others - use a fallback to be safe.
  } else {


snowStorm = new SnowStorm();

// -->


Categorie: HTML | Adaugat de: kopceak | Tags: php, Script, HTML, ninsoare, cod, Snow
Vizualizari: 2022 | Downloads: | Raging: 3.0/2
Total comentarii : 0
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